CAA Co-Chair with Julian Haladyn: Curatorial Pedagogy and Practice

CAA CoChair with Julian Haladyn: Curatorial Pedagogy and Practice
Saturday, February 15, 2025

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

  • New York Hilton Midtown - Concourse - Concourse A

This panel critically re-examines the potentials of curatorial pedagogy and practice within our institutions’ social and cultural contexts and curatorial partnerships. Among different considerations, Curatorial Pedagogy and Practice, focuses on the positioning for curatorial methodologies, the roles of curatorial practice as research-creation, “the education turn” in the curatorial, and the changing study of the curatorial in academia. In bringing together curators, artists, historians, educators and scholars we hope to provide a conversational forum to share and analyze texts, issues, discourses and personal curatorial experiences that inform the futures of curatorial praxis.

The Pedagogy of Planned Obsolescence: Temporary Partnerships and Short-Term Projects in the Curatorial Practice Classroom

Jeffry Cudlin, MICA

Exploring Curatorial Strategies in an Academic Library Gallery

Jiaying Dai and Stephanie Grimm, MSI, George Mason University

Curatorial practice to learn about stored collections: the case of the Schaudepot

Lara Corona, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Slow Curating: The nexus of museology, curating, and social practice

Megan Arney Johnston, Minnesota State Colleges & Universities
