Looking forward to participating in Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre’s group exhibition: Playful Encounters!
The exhibition will run May 18th to July 20th, 2024.
The theme Playful Encounters responds to various dialogues including imagination, spontaneity, joy, shared experiences, and curiosity. Modern Fuel selected this topic due to its wide scope of interpretation and due to our collective desire to embrace the unconventional, the unpredictable, and the unapologetically imaginative. Artists are invited to envision new forms of play that transcend the traditional boundaries of age imposed on us by society and encourage intergenerational connection. In Playful Encounters, art will become a playground for ideas, a space where curiosity is unleashed, and where the unexpected is celebrated. We hope Modern Fuel becomes a space where artists step outside their comfort zone, embrace the messiness of the creative process, and rediscover the transformative power of imagination.
My flag, Space Craft Parking Here, will be activated both onsite and offsite. Want to fly it? See call below:
We are inviting you to take part in our upcoming exhibition, Playful Encounters, by hosting the work, Space Craft Parking Here, by Elyse Longair. This is a site-specific artwork which we hope will travel around various local flag poles within the Greater Kingston Area creating aerial parking lots for spacecrafts. The flag, Space Craft Parking Here, is humorous at first glance, but hopes to challenge us to consider our imagined futures for our planet Earth.
As a host, you would be welcome to hang this flag on your flagpole for only a few days or up to a few weeks, between May 18th and July 20th. Please send Modern Fuel a message at director@modernfuel.org if you would like to fly Space Craft Parking Here!