As a member of CAA’s Services to Artist Committee, I am happy to be Panel Chair, CAA and You: Submitting to the College Art Association for Artists, Collage Art Association of America, New York. February 15 - 18, 2023
This panel/workshop offers advice to artists regarding art-focused submissions to the main CAA conference. Come hear from members of the Annual Conference Committee, Council of Readers, and artists who have presented.
Panelist: Julia Morrisroe (CoR, formerly ACC/SAC), Wanda Raimuni-Ortiz (ACC/SAC/Board), Laura Anderson Barbata (ACC/Board), Roma Madan-Soni (CoR, Independent Artist), O. Gustavo Plascencia (CoR, Independent Artist)
CAA, as the preeminent international leadership organization in the visual arts, promotes these arts and their understanding through advocacy, intellectual engagement, and a commitment to the diversity of practices and practitioners.
I acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts. Specifically, The Arts Abroad Travel Grant that made it possible for me to participate in College Arts Association conference.