An Institute for Curatorial Inquiry

So proud to be a. research assistant for An Institute for Curatorial Inquiry, at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre.

An Institute for Curatorial Inquiry

This Summer Institute intersects with Museums Without Walls, Conference & Exhibition, an inquiry into virtual art/institutions and communities at Queen’s University, 15–17 August (in-person and online).

Working with an expanded view of the curatorial—from making collections to simply making connections—we invite artists, cultural workers, students and community members to join in this week-long free event, through discussions, performances, exhibitions and workshops. The Summer Institute is anchored by six conversational panels that tentacle out to two workshops, five artist performances, a 24-hour read-in, a graduate student reading group and a family program, all located at Agnes the first four days. The final day takes place at the neighboring Feminist Art Residency (FAR), bringing participants outside the institution.

Mark your calendars; stay tuned for details and please join us! This event page is updated as other speakers and programs are confirmed.

Please direct questions to Alicia Boutilier, Chief Curator at

+ Meet & Greet
+ Count + Care Family Program

+ Conversational Panel, Count + Care
+ Along the Way: Decolonial Ecologies Playgroup, JP Longboat
+ Afronautic Research Lab: Probing the Loyalist Trail, Camille Turner
+ Celebration Gathering, Agnes Summer-Fall Exhibitions, An Institute for Curatorial Inquiry and Museums Without Walls (MWW)

+ Conversational Panel (MWW), Media Museums: Past and Future, Gabriel Menotti, Shauna Doherty, Sarah Kenderdine
+ Conversational Panel, Hauntings in the Digital Sphere: Curating Collection Portals, Brandie MacDonald, Danuta Sierhuis and Jennifer Nicoll
+ Workshop, Manifesting Reimagined Collection Portals, Danuta Sierhuis and Jennifer Nicoll
+ Workshop (MWW), Curating Digital Media, Michael Connor
+ Workshop (MWW), Participatory World-Making, Teodora Fartan
+ Conversational Panel (MWW), Institutional Strategies, Jen Kennedy, Lindsay Corbett, Michael Carter-Arlt

+ Conversational Panel, Transatlantic Reverberations, Qanita Lilla, Julianna Ribeiro de Silva Bevilacqua, Richard Tsogang Fossi, Nomusa Makhubu, Romauld Tchibozo
+ Conversational Panel, De-Centering Europe in North American Institutions, Suzanne van de Meerendonk, Adam Harris Levine, Diva Zumaya

+ Conversational Panel, Marking Time, Nasrin Himada, Emelie Chhangur, Bopha Chhay, Pamila Matharu, Maiko Tanaka
+ Conversational Panel, Curatorial Pedagogy and Practice, Elyse Longair, Never Lochhead, Vince Ha
+ Exit Through the Back Door Laughing, Alize Zorlutuna & SF Ho
+ A Collective Read-In, Sebastian De Line

Let It Rot: Feminist Art Residency (FAR)

+ A Manifesto for Radical Care, Tian Zhang
+ A Collection of Dreams, Centre for Sustainable Curating/Kirsty Màiri Robertson
+ Reading Group/Library/Hang-Out on Curatorial Care