Seeking The Periphery, The Paul H. Cocker Gallery

Excited to have my work in Seeking The Periphery, at The Paul H. Cocker Gallery, curated by Andrea Bickley, Jack Hache, Stephen Jones, Sana Kadri, Dimitri Papatheodorou, Emily Tishana Phagoo. Opening March 11, 2021.

“Iconic architectural photography disseminated global Modernism and canonized utopic design principles, shaping internationalism while erasing local cultural practices. The carefully composed advertising-ready image was instrumental to the new message; the Image folded snuggly within the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, expanding the Factory to employ a complex hierarchy of production from top to bottom, from design to delivery. Internationalism was (is) an aesthetic that flowed through and replaced place. This aesthetic is still dominant while peripheral nodes of resistance emerge.”

—Dimitri Papatheodorou