Excited to be starting my Ph.D. in Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies, Department of Film and Media at Queen’s University!
The Department of Film and Media (F&M), in partnership with the Agnes Etherington Art Centre (AEAC) has developed the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies. The core concept in both degrees is the linkage of adjacent disciplines: film and media studies and, more generally, the study of visual culture, film and media production, and curatorial studies and practice.
The primary objective of the program is to provide integrated graduate level training for film/media/curation practices in both academic and non-academic professional applications. Graduates from the program will acquire comprehensive training, practical research and/or production experience while gaining an understanding of the entirety of the lifecycle of a film/media work and its reception, and gain knowledge, skills and critical insight to enable them to participate professionally in creative exhibition, presentation and interpretive display contexts.
The integration of the AEAC, an outstanding university and public art museum with extraordinary collections and talented specialist team, make the graduate program in Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies unique in Canada. The slate of courses provide robust opportunities to participate in and benefit from experiential, applied learning through guided team projects and individual creative projects requiring active synthesis of research, analytical, presentation/communication, negotiation, consensus building, aesthetic discernment, networking and resource management skills. Importantly, and congruent with the premises of the graduate program, these skills will span the material and digital realms. The AEAC physical display spaces are paralleled by an active online program stream, which is now under major development as part of a 3-year digitization initiative.