Imagination and Collage, College Arts Association, SERVICES TO ARTISTS COMMITTEE, Artist Replete Gallery, Chicago IL
Collage relies upon profound understandings of the images and materials being used, with the ability to see beyond the realities and meanings of the ‘original’. It also invites us to recognize relationships made possible through (re)imagining already existing images in the world. The 'cutup' is a powerful medium to enact change and ignite imaginations, as is apparent in the history of modern collage from Cubism and Dadaism to contemporary exploration of collage that contends with the overwhelming abundance of readily accessible visual information. In General Ideas words, "Cut up or Shut up". A statement that has become increasingly valid with the rise of the internet and digital media, pushing the limits of how we think and approach the idea of collage. TheImagination and Collage exhibition and corresponding artist panels, bring together CAA artists to collectively value collage and collageaesthetics. With a specific focus on the important qualities of this medium, which are tied to social and cultural critique. As well as a way to (re)think and (re)imagine ideas of the present and the future.